Added by Klaudia Grabowska on 13.04.2021 | Reviewed by Dr Thomas Drazba

What is liposuction?

Liposuction, also called lipoplasty, lipo surgery, or simply lipo, is the most popular plastic surgery across the world. What’s liposuction? The liposuction meaning and liposuction definition are quite straightforward, as the name “lipo suction” suggests, it is a procedure of removing the fat out of the specific body part. Hence, it is commonly called a fat removal surgery. We must stress that liposuction is not a tool for weight loss or a method of obesity treatment, its main role is to remove the fat accumulated in a particular body part in healthy people who just cannot lose fat from some body parts through diet and exercise.

Besides, we should differentiate between liposuction surgery and liposculpture. Liposuction is a body surgery that aims at removing fat from large body parts while liposculpture shapes specific, usually small, body parts and gives a desired tone to the muscles. In this article, we will focus solely on liposuction surgery.

How does liposuction work?


Liposuction surgery is a removal of the fat from specific body parts

Liposuction, as a fat reduction surgery, removes fat from a specific body area. Depending on the surgery type, there are various kinds of liposuction accessory devices, but they all allow for effective fat removal. The interesting fact is that removed fat cells never re-grow in the treated area, so the fat cell loss is permanent. However, it does not mean that people never gain weight. Once liposuction patients put on weight, the fat comes back but is no longer accumulated in treated areas. Also, there are some limitations as to the fat amount that can be taken out during one procedure. The maximum amount of fat is 4 liters – sometimes this amount is taken from one body part, e.g. belly, but other patients may have fat taken from 2 or 3 body parts, e.g. thighs, hips, and waist – but it is very individual. If the liposuction requires sucking more than 4 litres of fat to give desired effects, it is split into two procedures to minimize the risks

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Reasons for liposuction

Liposuction is performed due to either aesthetic or medical reasons. The most common problem making people think about liposuction is fat accumulation in a certain body part, so if you have tried diet and exercises and still do not know how to lose body fat from e.g. hips or tummy, liposuction is an effective solution. What does liposuction do? It removes fat cells and shapes the body, and guarantees spectacular effects soon afterward. However, it is always a patient’s role to keep the results, so you must be aware of how to reduce body fat and stay in shape.

The other reasons for liposuction include:

  • reducing fat production
  • restoring or boosting self-confidence
  • stimulating the collagen growth
  • health improvement.

Aesthetical – stubborn fat reduction


There are a few reasons that people want liposuction- but the most popular is stubborn fat removal

The vast majority of liposuction patients choose this procedure purely for fat reduction reasons. This fat reduction surgery is highly effective and the new technologies and methods allow for a safe, non-invasive and impressive body fat reduction in almost every part of our bodies. It addresses only the areas with stubborn fat deposits, so it is not a way to overcome being overweight or obese. On the contrary, it is addressed to healthy people with normal weight whose attractiveness is disturbed by fat deposits in a certain area. So, if you have tried dieting and regular training without the effects on a problematic body part and have no idea how to look better, you may consider liposuction.

Male chest liposuction

Male chest liposuction is called gynecomastia surgery (or gyno surgery). Gynecomastia is a condition of enlarged or swollen tissues in the male chest. It usually affects both breasts, but may also affect only one breast. This male liposuction is usually the only solution to gynecomastia that is effective. Usually, the enlarged breasts are a problem of overweight or obese men or teenagers, but there are also many sportsmen, athletes, and healthy men who struggle with this problem. It may be really embarrassing for men and may cause both physical and psychical discomfort. Hence, we recommend gynecomastia surgery for anyone struggling with this condition. What’s also important, gynecomastia procedure may be performed within the NHS and this male chest liposuction recovery is short.

Liposuction for medical reasons

Liposuction is a plastic surgery whose main role is improving the body look, however, it is also proven to tackle some health problems. Liposuction for medical reasons can be performed on the NHS. Two conditions may be effectively treated by liposuction for health reasons. They are lymphoedema and lipoedema. 

Liposuction for lymphedema


Liposuction is mainly a plastic surgery that improves body look, however, it is also used to solve some health problems

The lymphatic system in our bodies plays an important role in detoxification. The lymph vessels transport and remove waste, toxins, and other unwanted substances from the organism. They filter fluids through lymph nodes and then transport them throughout the body. What is lymphedema? Well, it is the abnormal accumulation of these fluids in certain places, usually, they are arms and legs. In the beginning, there are no symptoms of this condition, but over time, the body parts start to swell all the time, and there become thickening and scarring on the skin. Finally, the limbs become deformed and pose a serious danger to the health. 

There are several types of lymphedema treatment, one of which is liposuction. Liposuction for lymphedema is highly effective because it removes extra storages of fat cells caused by lymphedema. Liposuction treatment for lymphedema works well when the condition is in the first or second stage, so when it is not so advanced, but the symptoms are already visible. What is important, the average lymphedema and lipedema liposuction cost UK may be quite expensive, but this procedure is available on the NHS.

Lipedema liposuction

girl with black hair

Lipedema is one of the medical conditions that liposuction surgery can help for

Lipedema is a chronic condition that affects arms and legs. It causes massive, abnormal fat cells accumulation, which leads to significant disproportions. Sometimes, lipedema is mistaken for weight gain or lymphedema, but it is a different condition needing a special lipedema treatment. The signs that are characteristic of this condition include cellulite, lumpiness, tenderness, numbness, pain, and decreased mobility. Usually, legs are affected at first, fat is stored around ankles, knees, and thighs. When the condition is advanced and untreated, there is a high probability that arms will get affected as well. Lipedema liposuction is often the only effective treatment – it removes the fat storages and restores a normal and proportional look. Liposuction for lipedema may be covered by insurance, also lipedema liposuction UK is available on the NHS. 

What liposuction can't treat ?

sad sitting on the bed

The patient must always remember that liposuction is not a cure for obesity

The idea of liposuction is a noticeable body fat reduction. However, there are some problems that liposuction cannot solve. They include:

  • excess skin – liposuction removes fat, not the skin, so sometimes patients are left with sagging skin once much fat is removed from below; it is also important to make sure that you struggle with excess fat, not the skin because removing excess skin requires a different kind of surgery this may be a body lift;
  • cellulite and stretch marks – liposuction, by removing fat, may decrease the stretch marks or cellulite, but it cannot treat them;
  • obesity – obesity is a life-threatening disease, which cannot be treated by plastic surgery; it requires serious bariatric surgery and life time changes, while liposuction corrects and contours specific body parts;
  • weight loss – liposuction does not cause significant weight loss, and should not be treated as a tool that allow you to lose weight; liposuction removes fat from the chosen body parts, while weight loss, if needed, should involve the whole body and be triggered by calories deficiency;
  • staying fit – to keep fit, we need to exercise regularly, liposuction can shape your body, but it does not build muscles or influence our condition, so when we neglect exercising after liposuction, we can lose the effects quickly;
  • visceral fat – it is the fat accumulated under the muscles and around the organs; liposuction removes only fat stores that are above the muscles (between the muscles and skin).


Obesity is a chronic disease that requires medical treatment. Being a purely cosmetic procedure, liposuction is not aimed at treating this disease. Liposuction weight loss is minimal as the fat is taken from a chosen body part and the maximum amount of fat is 3-4 liters removed during one procedure. The BMI liposuction should be healthy, that is between 19-27. Patients below or over the correct BMI might not be qualified for liposuction. In fact, liposuction for obese patients is never performed. Instead, such patients are recommended weight loss surgery, which is an effective surgery to treat obesity. Weight loss surgery is a surgery that reduces the size of the stomach, as a result of which people eat much less and lose weight in a fast, yet controlled way. So, summing up, obesity is a disease that needs a specific medical treatment, and liposuction for obesity should never be an option. 


orange peel cellulite

Liposuction is not proven to be an effective treatment for cellulite- so-called orange peel

Cellulite is a problem of 80-90% of women across the world. No wonder, we all seek the best cellulite treatment. But is liposuction for cellulite effective? Basically, liposuction is not proven to be an anti cellulite treatment. The traditional lipo may even deepen cellulite and stretch marks because it removes fat but the skin becomes even more loose, sagging and inelastic. However, some more modern lipo methods, e.g. Vaser liposuction, which with the help of some other cosmetic procedures may significantly reduce cellulite. Still, we need to remember that liposuction is not a cellulite surgery, and it cannot remove it, it can just reduce the visibility of cellulite when used properly. If you struggle with cellulite, you may find some effective procedures of cellulite removal UK, but liposuction would not belong to this group. 

Stretch marks

Stretch marks are scars that appear on the skin when it shrinks or stretches quickly (e.g. due to pregnancy, weight gain or loss, or rapid growth of muscles, sometimes it may be caused by hormonal changes). How to get rid of stretch marks? It is a purely skin problem, so stretch marks liposuction is pointless here as it addresses fat, not the skin. Regarding plastic surgeries, the most effective surgery for stretch marks removal is a tummy tuck (of course it refers to stretch marks located in the tummy area), one of the main roles of this surgery is tightening the skin, so naturally, stretch marks disappear. In fact, any surgery that includes skin tightening would be good for stretch marks. There are also some non-surgical methods addressing the skin which are really effective. Liposuction, however, is aimed at dealing with a different problem.

Where on my body can I have liposuction?

The advanced liposuction techniques allow patients to remove fat from almost all areas of the body. There is also so called full body liposuction which takes fat from all main body parts. The most popular parts of body liposuction include: tummy and waist, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, buttocks, chest, neck and chin. Below, we present all possible areas for liposuction. 

lady on white bouckground

Lipo surgery can be performed almost on each body part including cheeks or ankles

Calf liposuction and ankle liposuction

Calf liposuction and ankle liposuction shapes lower parts of the legs. Generally, it is very rare to perform only calf lipo or only liposuction of ankles. These procedures are usually combined to achieve beautifully shaped and slim legs. Of course, each patient is treated individually and the range of liposuction depends on personal needs and individual look. But usually, only calf and ankle lipo performed together can give a patient expected results and maintain the leg proportions.

Knee Liposuction

The knee is a good example of a body part which may accumulate fat deposits. It is extremely difficult to lose fat from the knee by dieting or exercises, so knee liposuction may be the only effective solution. Knee lipo is generally a fast procedure as the fat deposits there are small, however even such amounts may cause legs to look disproportional and unattractive. Also, the knee fat liposuction cost is one of the lowest out of all liposuctions. 

Inner thigh liposuction and outer thigh liposuction

Thigh liposuction is a very common procedure, especially among women. The general division of liposuction on thighs is outer thigh and inner thigh liposuction. Women usually wish to have less wide thighs which do not rub or touch each other. The liposuction may be performed on inner or outer thighs or both. It always depends on patients, their problems, and expectations towards the procedure. 

Love handles liposuction

Love handles, also called flanks, become problematic when they extend outward from thighs or hips and disturb the waist proportions. Liposuction love handles may be performed individually or may be combined with tummy liposuction. Flanks liposuction removes the deposits of fat, improves the body shape, and contours the waist. it affects a minor area, so usually, prices for liposuction of flanks are reasonable. 

Abdomen- tummy liposuction

white background lady tummy

Tummy liposuction is the most popular liposuction surgery type across the world

Tummy liposuction is the most popular liposuction across the world. Usually, it is very hard to get rid of fat accumulated in the tummy area. So, if you have tried diet and physical activity and still don’t know how to get rid of belly fat or how to lose belly fat, stomach liposuction would be a great option. Stomach lipo addresses only the tummy, so it is often combined with flank lipo to achieve a great result of full tummy. There are several types of stomach lipo methods, but all of them guarantee stomach fat removal and bring similar effects. Belly fat removal by belly liposuction is the most effective way of removing excessive stores of fat cells, but you need to remember that it is not a method of weight loss.

Back liposuction

Back liposuction may consist of lower and upper back liposuction. The range of the procedure is usually individually adjusted, but generally, back fat removal increases back definition, removes fat from the lower, mid, and upper back, helps the skin-firming process, and reduces fat pockets, bra rolls, and a buffalo hump from flanks and backs. 

Breast liposuction / Chest liposuction

Having in mind breast liposuction, we think of gynecomastia procedure, which is male chest liposuction. It allows to remove excess fat from the chest and achieve a proportional male body. As for women, they can also have breast liposuction, but it is referred to as breast reduction – the unwanted fat is removed from breasts, as a result of which they are smaller, more firm, and attractive. 

Arm liposuction

Arm liposuction solves the problem of sagging upper arms, hence it also called upper arm liposuction (or upper arm lipo). The arms may become sagged and unattractive due to aging process or after weight gain. It is a body part that is often exposed, no wonder we want to make it more attractive. Liposuction on arms is a really effective solution which brings immediate results. 

Armpit fat removal

Armpit fat is called an axillary fat – it is a fat fold separated from breasts, which looks like a tiny pouch in the armpit area. This problem usually concerns overweight women whose breasts have a normal size. Armpit fat removal may be really difficult and diet or exercises not always work. Then, armpit lipo may be the only effective way of improving the armpit area look. 

Facial liposuction


Chin and jaw are the most common facial areas treated by liposuction

Facial liposuction is called a submentum or submental liposuction. It can be performed as an individual facial procedure or may be combined with other face rejuvenation techniques e.g. botox, filler injections or facelift. The most common face areas treated by liposuction are chin and jaw. These body parts are very resistant to weight loss. Face liposuction cost depends on the face parts involved, so it is always individually calculated and recommended to each patient.

Neck liposuction

The main problem regarding the neck area is a so-called double chin. Neck liposuction successfully gets rid of this condition. Besides, neck lipo brings back the face and neck balance and refines the jawline. Neck liposuction UK is very often combined with other face contouring procedures e.g. chin augmentation or facelift. 

Chin liposuction

Chin liposuction removes the excess fat from the chin area. If you wonder how to get rid of a double chin, here chin lipo can also help. Double chin liposuction can be performed within neck lipo or chin lipo. However, the effectiveness of chin liposuction UK depends greatly on skin condition. The skin needs to be relatively firm and elastic to maintain the chin lipo effects. 

Cheek liposuction

Cheek liposuction allows for removing the fat from the cheeks and gets rid of chubby cheeks, which might be difficult to achieve through diet and exercises. It is also worth mentioning that there is a procedure called buccal fat removal. Buccal fat removal UK is an alternative to cheek lipo, it is performed from inside the mouth and similarly to cheek lipo, gets rid of chubby cheeks. 

Benefits of liposuction

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There are many benefits of liposuction surgery, they include not only esthetical but also health and emotional benefits as well

The way from the will to get rid of body fat by liposuction to undergoing the procedure is really long and requires a careful consideration. The truth is that there are not only health benefits of liposuction but also emotional and body benefits. The emotional and physical liposuction health benefits include:

  • effective treatment of problematic body parts
  • boosting self-confidence
  • reshaping the overall figure and restoring body proportions
  • stopping fat cells production in specific body parts
  • stimulating the growth of collagen
  • improving overall health condition
  • treating health problems as gynecomastia or lipodystrophy syndrome
  • treating excessive sweating problem (especially in the area of thighs and armpits)
  • providing permanent results (as long as patients maintain a healthy lifestyle)
  • individual benefits (e.g. getting rid of complexes, improving social life).

Types of liposuction

liposuction surgery

Many types of liposuction are available nowadays, but the most important factor is to find a qualified surgeon who will perform surgery properly

Nowadays, there are many different types of liposuction procedures. Some are said to be old-fashioned, some are regarded as new types of liposuction, some are less invasive than others. However, they are all liposuctions, so the effect that is achieved is fat removal and each method brings this result. It is also impossible to say which is the best liposuction because different types of liposuction techniques are recommended to different body parts and needs. Also, it is not a rule that the so-called new types of liposuction or 3d liposuction is always the best. It is very individual and it is always good to depend on the surgeon’s opinion. What we can also advise is choosing a clinic which offers a range of liposuction methods, then we can be sure that we will be advised the most effective one. 

Traditional Liposuction (SAL)

Traditional liposuction is called a suction assisted liposuction (SAL). Here, the fat cells are removed with a minimal damaging of surrounding nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. Firstly, a special saline solution is injected into the treated area, and then, the surgeon uses a cannula to suck out the hydrated fat tissue. The areas that SAL can treat include e.g.abdomen and waist, thighs, back, arms, gynecomastia and buttocks. However, SAL is called traditional lipo for a reason. It is the first liposuction technique, so the potential risks and tissue traumatization are the greatest, and now there are more modern and less invasive methods than SAL. 

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction / VASER lipo (UAL)

What is vaser lipo? Vaser liposuction (or vaser lipo) called an ultrasound assisted lipoplasty (UAL) is the least invasive lipo technique. This ultrasound fat reduction enables a really precise separation and removal of fat tissues. It is performed under local anaesthesia and involves minimal risk. In ultrasonic liposuction, firstly the fat tissue is hydrated and the surrounding tissues are constricted. Then, the surgeon breaks down the adipose tissue with a special probe emitting ultrasound. This energy triggers cavitation, which separates the addressed fat cells without damaging the blood vessels or nerves. Finally, the loosened fat cells are sucked out. The ultrasound liposuction reviews across the world prove that it is a highly effective and minimally-invasive technique, which is now the most popular out of all available lipo methods. The great vaser lipo results can be obtained on each body part, even the small and problematic ones, e.g. knees, hamsters, pubic areas or buttocks.

Water Jet Assisted Liposuction / Body jet (WAL)


Water jet-assisted liposuction, called also body jet liposuction is a really safe and minimally invasive procedure

Water jet assisted liposuction (WAL), called body jet liposuction, is a technique which breaks down the fat tissue with the use of a stream of liquid. It is a safe procedure, done under local anaesthesia, it also doesn’t require any hospitalization. Regarding the procedure of body jet water jet assisted liposuction, firstly the fluid administered through a cannula loosens and releases the fat cells, and then, the fat is aspirated. The liquid used in body jet liposuction UK contains mainly lignocaine and adrenaline and its function is both anaesthetizing the affected body part and narrowing blood vessels. Just to compare, body-jet lipo involves removing about 2-3% of blood in a taken tissue, while in traditional lipo, patients can lose even 40% of blood in such a tissue. It is a big difference showing that body jest is a really safe and minimally invasive procedure. This technique is also preferred in fat graft procedures, e.g. when fat is transferred to breasts or buttocks. The worldwide body jet lipo reviews show that it is a very preferrable lipo technique.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a method which is undoubtedly safer than traditional liposuction. The procedure starts with injecting a mixture of substances to the body layer between the skin and muscles. This mixture contains adrenaline, lidocaine, sodium and saline solution. Then, the fat is removed. Tumescent liposuction risks are decreased mainly because there is no need to use general anaesthesia before the procedure. We need to remember also that tumescent liposuction UK is not for everyone, as other lipo techniques, it needs to be individually considered and recommended by a specialist.

Laser assisted liposuction= Smartlipo= CoolLipo=laser lipolysis (LAL)

Smart-lipo, also called laser lipo (or lipo laser) and laser assisted liposuction (LAL), is a method where the excessive fat tissue is removed after they are destroyed with a laser. Laser fat removal is one of the most frequently performed liposuctions, also laser lipo reviews are very positive. Smart lipo allows for removing the fat from almost any body part, but the main concern is that it is applied to a little amount of fat tissue, so it is preferred in treating such areas as the chin or arms. Laser liposuction can be combined with NAL or WAL to remove greater amounts of fat. 

Power assisted liposuction / Vibration liposuction (PAL)

operating room

There are also different methods like laser-assisted liposuction, Vibration liposuction or Vibrolipo

Vibration liposuction or power assisted liposuction (PAL) uses a power assisted liposuction machine which makes the suction cannula vibrate. Generally, power assisted liposuction equipment speeds the process of fat cells separation, which boosts liposuction efficiency and shortens the whole procedure. It’s been in use for about 35 years, but still the power assisted liposuction reviews are really good. It is not performed frequently but is still recommended. Power assisted liposuction cost is also reasonable because the machine is quite “old fashioned” and modern cannula versions are not applicable here. 

Vibrolipo (NIL)

Vibrolipo or vibro lipo laser (NIL) is the most modern and advanced liposuction technique. The fat suction that is used here is patented by a Belgian company. The vibration cannula fluctuates, rotates and vibrates at the same time. It is emitting infrasounds, which releases the fat cells. The main advantages of NIL method are: smooth results, increased collagen production, minimal swelling and pain, short procedure and recovery. 


Liposculpture might be sometimes mistaken with liposuction, but these procedures are different from each other. So, what is liposculpture? It is a body shape surgery that shapes the muscles and contours the body. It is aimed at treating little fat stores or little fat pockets, which is a main factor by which liposculpture UK is differentiated from liposuction, which covers large body parts. Liposculpture removes fat, but also moves the surrounding areas to shape and contour the aimed body part. It is really helpful in these body parts which do not respond to exercises and diet regime. 

This procedure is dedicated to healthy people with BMI below 30, whose skin is relatively elastic and firm (e.g. people who avoid smoking or sun exposure can be good candidates for the procedure, while people with too weak muscles or too much sagging skin can be advised to try some other surgeries). The liposculpture cost is usually higher than the cost of liposuction because it removes fat and at the same time shapes the muscles and body.

Non surgical liposuction

Non surgical liposuction (or non-surgical lipo) is an alternative to liposuction. It is fat removal through advanced technology without body interference. This non-invasive liposuction is dedicated to people with minor problems with fat accumulation. Similarly to liposuction surgery, non invasive lipo breaks down fat cells stored between the skin and muscle layers and causes a modest and gradual fat loss. The benefits of this cosmetic procedure are:

  • no risk caused by applying general anaesthesia 
  • no scars or incisions
  • no downtime after the procedure
  • almost no side effects included
  • effective fat reduction and long-lasting results
  • price lower than for surgical liposuctions.

The problems that are frequently treated by non surgical lipo include: double chin, abdomen, thighs and waist, stretch marks, cellulite, and saddlebags. There are several non invasive liposuction methods certified and proven to be effective, the most popular ones are Cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting), injectable treatments, ultrasound, laser fat reductions, and red light therapy.  


Cool sculpting

Coolsculpting is a non-surgical, non-invasive, and effective procedure of fat reduction

Coolsculpting is the most popular non-surgical, non-invasive and effective procedure of fat reduction. Despite being less powerful than surgical lipo procedures, coolsculpting reviews are sometimes even more affirmative and positive. So, what is coolsculpting? It is a procedure of non surgical fat removal which was approved by the U.S. FDA in 2010. It is also called cryolipolysis and its main assumption is freezing the fat. The frozen fat cells die and are naturally excreted out within a few weeks after the procedure. The studies show that coolsculpting UK can reduce fat by even 25%, which is quite a lot for non surgical methods. But does coolsculpting work for each body part? Well, usually it is applied on thighs, belly, waist, chin and lower back. It is also effective in treating cellulite on arms, buttocks and legs. Coolsculpting results can be obtained after only one procedure, however sometimes, when a large body part is treated or when a few body parts are treated, there is a need to repeat the procedure a few times to see maximum effects.

The coolsculpting side effects are really minimal, they may include:

  • the feeling of aching, pain or stinging appearing about 2 weeks after the procedure
  • the feeling of tugging during the procedure
  • the short term redness, slight bruising and swelling.

The results of coolsculpting are permanent. The removed fat cells never re-grow. However, when you refrain from a balanced diet and physical activity, you will gain weight again, also in the treated body parts.

Can liposuction be combined with different procedures?


It is very popular to combine liposuction with other procedures like fat transfer or tummy tuck, but the patient always needs to speak to the doctor about options as not all surgeries can be connected

Yes, it is really frequent that patients combine liposuction with some other procedures. There is a wide range of surgeries that can be performed together with liposuction. They may concern the same body part or be linked with each other or be done independently. When patients think of several procedures or want to improve more than 1 body part, it is always better to do it during one surgery than split them into two or more procedures. However, we must remember that this is always a surgeon, not a patient, who makes the decision of the range of procedures done during one surgery. The main aspect here is the patient’s health and complexity of desired surgeries. A patient cannot stay under general anaesthesia for too long because it involves too much risk, also it might be impossible to perform breast enlargement and back liposuction at once just because one procedure requires a patient to lay down on the back, while for the second a patient must lay down on the belly. 

So what are the possible combinations for liposuction? The examples are:

  • liposuction of several body parts, e.g. tummy and waist or thighs, hips, knees and ankles;
  • tummy liposuction with tummy tuck;
  • liposuction with fat transfer to another body part or BBL;
  • liposuction with facial procedures (e.g. facelift or eyelids)
  • liposuction and thigh lift.

Liposuction and fat transfer

Combining liposuction and fat transfer is very frequent mainly because fat transfer is possible only thanks to liposuction. A fat transfer surgery is also called lipomodelling or fat graft. It enables moving the fat from one body part to another. Firstly, the fat is removed from a problematic area. Then, the surgeon uses a special equipment to separate fat cells from other fluids. And finally, the separated fat is injected to the treated area. The fat is usually taken from the tummy or thighs, while the common areas where fat is injected are fat transfer to face, buttocks, penis, and breasts. 

Fat transfer breast augmentation


BBL surgery is possible thanks to liposuction. Removed fat can be also moved to other body parts like the breast or penis

Fat transfer breast augmentation should be considered when women look for restoring the breasts volume (caused by pregnancy, weight loss or ageing), improving the breasts contours and shape, bringing the symmetry to breasts, and boosting self esteem. Fat transfer to breasts is much less invasive than other breasts surgeries, e,g, breast implants. It also doesn’t leave any scars (or they are minimal) and guarantees the natural results. What is also important, fat transfer removes fat from other body parts, e.g. belly, which also influences the patient’s satisfaction. 

The main reasons for fat transfer to breasts are:

  • aesthetic (when women feel unhappy with the look of their breasts, their size and shape or struggle with breast asymmetry)
  • reconstructive (when women have had breast cancer treatment and need breast reconstruction or as a preventative measure in cancer treatment).

Fat transfer to buttocks

Fat transfer to buttocks is known as Brazillian Butt Lift (BBL). It is a very popular cosmetic procedure for women who would like to make their figure proportional and add fullness and volume to their backside. Fat transfer to bum usually requires general anaesthesia. Firstly, the surgeon performs liposuction on an agreed body part (generally, they are hips, thighs, or tummy). Then, he purifies the fat cells and injects them into the buttocks to make them more full and rounded. This procedure requires about 3-5 small incisions in the buttocks. BBL is a much safer procedure than buttock implants, it also provides more natural results and is less invasive. 

Liposuction and tummy tuck

Liposuction and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) are performed together so frequently that such a combination is classified as a surgery called lipoabdominoplasty. It is dedicated to people who struggle with both excessive fat and skin in the tummy area. The main difference between liposuction and tummy tuck procedures is that liposuction removes the subcutaneous fat located between the skin and muscles, while tummy tuck removes the sagging skin and tightens the muscles.

The benefits of combining tummy tuck and lipo are:

  • the tummy is improved solidly, all the layers (that is skin, fat and muscles) are addressed
  • there is no need to have a second surgery on the same body part (patients having only liposuction may need a tummy tuck surgery in the future)
  • the risk of blood clots, blood loss or seromas is reduced
  • the recovery is relatively short
  • the cost of combination tummy tuck and liposuction surgery is lower than for the same procedures performed separately.

Sometimes, patients are not sure what they need. It might be really difficult to decide whether we struggle with the fat or it is just the skin. So, the best option is to ask a plastic surgeon for advice. The surgeon will know which surgery (or their combination) would bring the desired results. 

 Male breast reduction- gynecomastia surgery

Young man having chest pain on bed

Liposuction for gynecomastia is highly effective thanks to modern, advanced liposuction techniques

Male breast reduction surgery is the most effective procedure addressing enlarged breasts for men (called gynecomastia). Hence, it is called gynecomastia surgery or male liposuction. It removes excess fat storage and glandular tissue, as a result of which the chest becomes more masculine, firmer, and flatter. The most common reason for the gynecomastia is excessive weight where naturally fat is also accumulated in the chest area, however, it may also result from genetics or health problems. Nowadays, liposuction for gynecomastia is highly effective thanks to modern, advanced liposuction techniques. It can be even performed under local anaesthesia, so the possibility of risks and complications is really minimal. The results of liposuction for men are immediate and permanent. 

Liposuction candidate

There are certain criteria that need to be met by candidates for lipo surgery. Here, we will answer some bothering questions, e.g. how old do you have to be to get liposuction or who is a good candidate for liposuction. Firstly, we need to realise that liposuction is not a way of weight loss and will never replace a healthy lifestyle or physical activity. Thus, it is dedicated to healthy people whose BMI is between 19 and 27. It is not dedicated to obese people, overweight patients may be qualified, but they need to be individually examined by the surgeon. Lipo also does not remove stretch marks or cellulite. It addresses only the fat. The ideal candidate for liposuction struggles with fat accumulation in specific body parts and despite the physical activity and a balanced diet, cannot get rid of it. The most problematic areas are tummy, thighs, hips, chin, arms or buttocks.


man thinking

To be a good candidate for a liposuction procedure patient should meet some criteria

The good candidates for this procedure should:

  • have a healthy BMI (within 30% deviation from the ideal BMI)
  • have firm and elastic skin and satisfying muscle tone
  • be in a good health condition
  • be nonsmokers
  • have realistic expectations towards the procedure.

Liposuction contradictions

As in any plastic surgery, there are some contradictions to liposuction. Some people may be disqualified from this procedure, but it is not a surgeon’s whim, but rather the important reasons which may increase the surgery risk or prevent achieving the desired results. You may be disqualified from liposuction surgery when:

  • your health condition is worrying, e.g. people suffering from cardiac arrhythmias, excessive bleeding, immunodeficiency disorders, blood clots, pulmonary emboli, or seizure disorders would be in a great risk having liposuction;
  • you take certain medications which increase the risk of bleeding during and after the surgery, the example of such meds is aspirin, anticoagulants or NSAIDs;
  • you take certain medications which inhibit lidocaine metabolism;
  • you expect the liposuction to decrease your weight and solve weight problems;
  • you are obese – obesity is a chronic desease which requires a medical treatmnet, not a plastic surgery;
  • your skin is not elastic enough – it may cause wrinkles appearing; however when you can accept this side effect, you can be qualified for liposuction.

Liposuction procedure


During liposuction, there are 4 main steps that always appear, but other aspects may slightly differ depending on the technique

There are some steps of liposuction procedure which must be followed. The particular surgeries may differ from each other depending on lipo technique, however there are 4 liposuction procedure steps which always appear.

They are:


Nowadays, both general anaesthetic and local anaesthetic are possible for liposuction surgery. The general anaesthesia is applied by an injection and puts a patient asleep throughout the surgery. This form of anaesthesia requires patients to spend a night in the hospital. On the other hand, local anaesthesia numbs just the treated body part, and a patient remains conscious throughout the procedure, but he/she feels no pain at all. It is always a surgeon who decides about the liposuction technique and anaesthesia type. The anaesthesia used usually depends on a patient’s health, amount of excessive fat, number of addressed body parts, and liposuction technique. 


When the anaesthesia starts to work, the surgeon moves to making the tiny incisions through which the fat will be removed. The incisions are really small, their size ranges from 0,5 to 3,5 centimetres depending on the body part. The surgeon also makes them in such places that they are hardly visible or invisible afterwards. 

Fat tissue removal

After making the incisions, the surgeon starts the procedure of fat removal. It is possible thanks to the special cannula. This slim vacuum tube is inserted to the deep layers of fat and moves back and forth, as a result of which the fat cells are being dislodged. Once the fat cells are separated, the surgeon suctions them out with a syringe or pump attached to the cannula. Here, the type of liposuction plays an important role because the fat removal method may be done in various forms. The surgeon may use ultrasound, laser, radio frequency, etc to make fat cells removal less invasive, faster and easier. 

Incisions closing

When the fat is removed, the surgeon uses sutures to close the incisions. The stitches can be either dissolvable or removable depending on the incisions size, body part and lipo technique. The dissolvable stitches disintegrate on their own and after some time are naturally absorbed into the skin. Removable stitches must be removed by a doctor or a nurse after 7-10 days. Sometimes, it is also necessary to place drainage tubes beneath the skin layer – they minimize the risk of complications and infections by collecting the excessive fluids. They are usually removed after a few days. 

These procedure steps may be slightly different when liposuction is combined with some other plastic surgeries. Then, the time of the surgery extends and the general anaesthesia is applied. If you plan the lipo surgery, your plastic surgeon will explain to you all the steps of the procedure on the pre-op consultation. 

Is liposuction painful?

Liposuction is a surgery, so it always involves some pain. But as a surgery, is liposuction painful? No, a patient is always anaesthetized either locally or generally, so there is absolutely no pain during the surgery. There appears pain after liposuction when anaesthesia eases off. The pain scale differs and depends greatly on the scope of the surgery, e.g. chin lipo involves much less pain than tummy lipo combined with tummy tuck. Generally, the highest discomfort appears on days 2-4, then, it alleviates. The surgeon always prescribes painkillers, so that patients feel more comfortable after the surgery. The pain which appears during the recovery period may be compared to a harsh muscle ache, but it does not last all the time. One day patients may experience acute pain, while the next day, it disappears. The full liposuction recovery lasts for a few weeks, and during that time patients may experience pain, which is totally normal, but over time, the pain intensity decreases. 

Liposuction recovery time and aftercare

healthcare professional at clinic

Depends on the scope and type of the liposuction the recovery may differ

The liposuction aftercare differs depending on the scale of the surgery. When lipo is done under local anaesthesia, patients return home the same day while the general anaesthesia requires patients to stay in the hospital for a night. Anyway, patients after liposuction should organise transportation from the hospital because driving is not recommended after anaesthesia. The average liposuction recovery time is 6 weeks, but of course some patients need more time and some feel ok even earlier.

Below, we describe what to expect at the specific stages of liposuction recovery:

  • Days 1-3: patients are given special compression garments and elastic bandages which need to be wrapped around the treated body parts. The bandages reduce swelling and bruising, while the garment contours and shapes the operated area. Sometimes a surgeon decides to put drains that fasten healing and minimize the infection risk. Regarding the pain, it is the most troubling at this stage of recovery after liposuction, however, thanks to prescribed medications, it is for sure bearable. Patients should avoid tiring activities, the movements are also limited by compression garments, so when you have children, it advisable to ask someone for help at this stage.
  • Days 4-14: the pain alleviates day by day, also the soreness should disappear. Usually, patients spend this time at home, they still wear compression garments, but by the end of this stage, most people feel ready to return to work and restore normal activity.
  • Week 3-5: patients usually feel no pain, the soreness disappears, only some bruising and swelling may be seen, but it is normal. Then, patients notice the liposuction results, but you must remember that these are not the final effects as swelling and bruising haven’t gone yet. Patients may also return to physical activity and some exercises, but it must be discussed with the surgeon.
  • From week 6: the swelling and bruising is minimal or have already disappeared. Patients do not have to wear compression garments any longer. The final liposuction effects are visible now. 

What can you do to speed the recovery process after liposuction? Some tips may help you during this time, but you need to realize that it is your body that knows best how long it needs to recover. So, what can help?

  • Eating well and getting enough nutrients;
  • Staying hydrated (at least 2 litres of water are recommended);
  • resting and relaxing, taking a good sleep;
  • staying active, of course exercises must be avoided, but walking is recommended;
  • engaging family or friends (they may help in home duties as well as support you);
  • staying in contact with your surgeon (if you notice any worrying symptoms, it is always better to discuss them with the surgeon than ignore them or look for the solutions on the Internet).

Liposuction garments after surgery

after surgery corset

It is necessary to wear a compression garment after liposuction

Compression garments after liposuction are an indispensable part for liposuction recovery and aftercare. The roles of post liposuction garments include:

  • reducing swelling
  • increasing the comfort during the first days after the surgery
  • preventing uneven accumulation of produced fluids
  • reducing bruising
  • scar improvement
  • shaping and contouring the treated body areas
  • enhancing the final results.

The garment for liposuction recovery must be worn all the time at the beginning, and after some time, the surgeon suggests a patient to wear it only at night. Overall, these are weeks when patients should wear them. So, it is particularly important that the garment is perfectly matched and fitted – if it is too loose, it will be ineffective and if it is too tight, it may cause seroma formation and irregularities in the treated area. The market offers many styles and sizes of these products, so you need to make sure that you get a certified, well-fitted garment, the surgeon or nurse will advise you in this field.

Liposuction scars

The liposuction scars are small compared to other plastic surgeries, so they are usually not problematic, however, this aspect should not be neglected. The scarring depends greatly on the liposuction technique, individual predisposition, genetics, and skin pigmentation (the scars are more visible in the more dark-pigmented skin). The main scarring problem after liposuction is discolouring (dyschromia). It may cause either darkened scars (called hyperpigmentation) or lighter scars (called hypopigmentation). Generally, the surgeon and patient plays important roles in incision healing and scars. Firstly, the experienced and qualified surgeon is able to make as tiny incisions as possible in places where they are hardly visible, and secondly, patients should take a proper care of the incisions and maintain daily hygiene in the treated area. It is very rare that patients have problems with scars after liposuction, but once there are some (e.g. you have visible arm liposuction scars), we advise to use some special ointments to fasten scar healing or ask a beautician about cosmetic procedures addressing scars. 

Liposuction results

before and after the surgery

The results after liposuction surgery may be amazing and give an aesthetic, slimmer look, and well-shaped body contour

Liposuction results are quite obvious – the fat is removed from a problematic body part, which results in a more aesthetic, slimmer look and well-shaped body contour. Does liposuction work for everyone? If you lead an active healthy lifestyle and have good skin condition, but for some reason some of your body areas are resistant to exercise, liposuction will give you excellent results. Liposuction also improves the contours of such body parts as waist, tummy, thighs, arms, face and hips. The scale of fat removal is very individual – a surgeon decides about the amount of fat that will be removed, sometimes it is less than 1 litre, but sometimes it is even 4 litres. However, in both cases, the results may be spectacular and may totally change the overall look as it is very individual. If you have some specific expectations, the best solution would be asking the surgeon what to expect after lipoma surgery. The most important aspect about the results is having the realistic expectations towards the procedure and its results, so it is a great idea to speak with the surgeon about your expetations. 

Is liposuction permanent?

girl thinking

The liposuction effects can be seen shortly after the surgery, but it is a patient’s role to keep these effects

Is liposuction permanent? It is an interesting question, especially for people considering liposuction surgery. So, we will say it clearly, yes, the liposuction results are permanent and the removed fat cells never re-grow in the treated body parts. However, liposuction cannot prevent weight gain. If lipo patients do not follow a balanced diet and put on weight in the future, the fat will return of course. If patients gain little weight after liposuction, nothing worrying happens and the contour and figure after liposuction should stay the same. The problem appears when the gained weight exceeds 10% of their weight, then the new fat cells tend to appear (also in the treated area but in smaller amounts).

Basically, when is liposuction a permanent solution? When you follow the post-op instructions and make the following changes:

  • maintain a healthy calories intake, follow a protein-rich diet and eat plenty of vegetables
  • drink minimum 2 litres of water a day
  • eat 4-5 small meals instead of 2-3 large ones
  • practice sport or exercise regularly
  • follow a healthy lifestyle.

How to keep the liposuction results

Liposuction procedure provides effective results shortly after the operation, but it is a patient’s role to maintain these effects.

Please see the main tips of how to stay firm, slim, fit and keep the lipo results.

Drink water regularly

It is proven that drinking at least 2 litres of water regularly throughout a day helps people stay fit, prevents snacking between the meals and allows for a proper skin and body hydration. Water is a good stomach filler, so it is recommended not only to those who want to maintain current weight but also to those who want to lose weight. 

Regular exercises

Staying fit is particularly important after liposuction. Usually, the reason for lipo procedure is stubborn fat storage which is just impossible to remove through exercises. When such lipo patients neglect their body and condition, they may face this problem again. The physical activity is recommended just after the surgery – patients start with walking, but after 2-3 weeks, the regular training may be implemented. It is important to do both aerobic and resistance training. 

Follow a balanced diet

If you are happy with your body and your BMI is in norm, you do not need to be on any diet. It is just important to think about healthy food choices as something normal. The diet should consist of various vegetables and fruits, meats rich in protein and complex carbohydrates. Of course from time to time it is totally acceptable to eat sweets, snacks or fast-food, but it shouldn’t become a daily routine. Once you would like to lose some weight, it would be best to contact a dietician instead of trying some questionable magic diet resulting in jojo effect.

Leading an active lifestyle

jogging -gitrl in blue shirt

A healthy lifestyle can help to maintain the effects for a long time after the surgery

Regular exercises and training are highly important, but you cannot forget about daily activity that you may implement so easily that it turns out to be normal. So how to do it? Well, just avoid sitting for a long time, e.g. do some breaks when you have a sedentary work and take short walks, get a standing desk so that you can diversify your position, walk when you talk over the phone, use stairs instead of a lift, do short and easy trainings (e.g. squats during a TV commercial breaks), spend time outside with your children and friends. 

Avoiding stress

Stress is a weight-gain factor. It raises the cortisol levels, which pushes us to reach for unhealthy food and sweets. Some studies show also that high cortisol levels prevent the body from burning calories. There are many tips on how to reduce stress in your life, but you need to find your own way of facing it. Some people may just stay and think positive, others feel relaxed when they take long calm baths, some attend yoga classes, some read positive books – it is very individual, so you should think about your positive stress reductors that may help. 

Liposuction side effects and risks

Liposuction is a surgical procedure, so obviously there are some liposuction risks and liposuction side effects involved. Generally, the risks of liposuction are very low, but patients need to be aware of them. Also, the most potential side effects of liposuction can be overcome as they are not so serious.

sad lady on the bed

The risks of liposuction are very low, but like with every surgical procedure they are possible

The possible lipo risks include:

  • accumulation of fluid – sometimes the pockets of fluid can be formed below the skin layer and then they must be drained; also the well-fitted compression garment prevents such a fluid accumulation;
  • change of skin sensation or numbness in the treated areas (it may be temporary or permanent);
  • nerve irritation (it is usually temporary);
  • contour irregularities and asymmetry – they appear when fat is removed unevenly or when the skin is inelastic;
  • infections – they are extremely rare, but once they happen, they can be really serious;
  • internal organ injure – when the cannula is put too deeply, it may affect internal organs, however it happen very rarely;
  • lidocaine toxicity – when it happens, it may cause damage to nerves system or heart;
  • fat embolism – it is a medical emergency, it happens when the separated fat cells get trapped in the blood vessels and accumulate in lungs or move to the brain;
  • heart problems;
  • kidney problems;
  • risks connected to general anaesthesia;
  • liposuction swelling and bruising
  • cellulite strengthening.

It may seem that there are plenty of complications of liposuction procedure, however, most of them are not so serious. These serious ones happen extremely rarely. Nonetheless, your plastic surgeon should explain all the possible risks before the surgery. And lastly, choosing the certified, high-quality clinic and surgeon significantly reduces the liposuction risk. 

Is liposuction safe?

The questions: Is liposuction safe or is liposuction dangerous naturally come to our mind when we consider this procedure. It is generally a very safe procedure and the risk involved is minimal.

When exactly is liposuction safe and effective?

  • when it is performed by an experienced, qualified plastic surgeon;
  • when it is performed in a high-standard clinic which follows all the safety regulations;
  • when patients get prepared for liposuction and follow the surgeon’s instructions during the recovery.

Liposuction is a safe procedure if performed by a specialist

Patients play a significant role in both the safety and effectiveness of the procedure, so it is important that they are well-prepared and informed about the surgery course and post-op care. Liposuction is not for everyone and if you are disqualified from this procedure by a qualified surgeon, you must know that there is a medical reason for that, so you should not look for other surgeons who may qualify you, but rather consider different options for body improvements. Alternatively, you may eliminate factors that make you unsuitable lipo candidate, e.g. quit smoking, lose some weight to lower your BMI, treat some health problems which increase lipo risks, etc. Once you have had liposuction and notice any worrying symptoms or problems, you should immediately consult your surgeon. The most side effects may be eliminated thanks to the quick action, so you should stay in constant contact with your plastic surgeon during the recovery time.

Liposuction alternatives

Regarding liposuction alternatives, the best liposuction alternative is training and healthy diet. It may be a cliche, but this natural way of losing fat is the best, the most healthy and safe. If you have already tried exercises to lose fat from e.g. your tummy and see no results, you may try a personal training with a specialist who will advise you on the best exercises to challenge tummy fat. He will explain how to exercise properly, how long and how often to do it. It is very frequent that ineffectiveness of the training results from inability to do it properly, so going to a gym for a personal training class is a great option and the results may be astonishing. It may even turn out that liposuction is not necessary because you are able to lose fat naturally. 

Girl in black underwear with skin

There are some non-surgical alternatives to liposuction, but it must be remembered that they won’t give the same results

However, regarding cosmetic procedures, there are no other surgical alternatives to liposuction. Lipo is the only surgery aimed at fat removal. But there are some non-surgical alternatives. Before we give the examples, we must stress that non-surgical methods of fat removal would never give as dramatic results as surgical liposuction. But if you do not have much fat accumulation, you would be surely satisfied with lipo alternatives as well. The alternative fat removal techniques usually use hot or cold to remove fat cells.

The examples of such procedure are:

  • cryolipolysis (known as Cool sculpting) – it uses cold to damage fat cells
  • ultrasound – it uses high intensity sound waves
  • radiofrequency – it uses radio waves
  • low level laser – it uses light waves.

The results of these cosmetic procedures may be highly effective when you struggle with mild fat stores in certain body parts. Similarly to surgical liposuction, you need to be qualified for these procedures, so it is best to find a certified beauty clinic where you can be professionally advised on the best non-surgical method of fat removal.

Liposuction cost

girl with money

The price of liposuction depends on many factors like area, technique, etc.

Liposuction cost is undoubtedly an important aspect for people considering this procedure. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say in one word how much is liposuction because there are too many price determinants in this procedure. First and foremost liposuction price depends on the body part that is treated. So, it is easier to provide a liposuction cost stomach or arm fat removal liposuction cost than the price of liposuction in general. But before we describe the price factors, we need to answer an important question. Namely, should liposuction price be the main factor in choosing the clinic? Of course not. On the contrary, when we choose the cheapest lipo surgery available on the market, it may turn out to be the most expensive both for our finances and health. The low price must be accompanied by a high-quality procedure, certified and experienced surgeon as well as a satisfying hospital standard. When any of these aspects is dubious, it is better to look for another place to get the surgery. 

What do we need to pay attention to while comparing the average cost of liposuction?

  • we should check the surgeon who would operate us (sometimes the prices vary even within one clinic depending on the surgeon who performs the surgery)
  • we should check the former patients reviews visiting the considered clinic
  • we should know what is included in the price (e.g. whether we must pay extra for medical tests, meciations, compression garments, etc)
  • we should compare prices only for a liposuction on a specific body part (e.g. the clinic price list includes the starting lipo price of 2000 GBP, while for thigh liposuction we need to pay 8000 GBP).

The factors influencing the liposuction price are:

  • the scope of the surgery;
  • the patient’s size;
  • the anaesthesia that is used;
  • the expected duration and complexity of the procedure;
  • the fee of the operating room and medical care
  • other price components, e.g. medical tests, compression garments, nurse care;
  • the location of the clinic and country
  • a surgeon’s experience.

As may be seen, it is not so easy to say how much is lipo, or more specifically, e.g. how much does liposuction cost for your stomach. There are several factors that must be considered while looking for affordable, yet professional liposuction. Below, we will take a closer look at the liposuction prices in the UK.

Liposuction UK

Girl in London

There are many plastic surgery clinics across the UK that offers liposuction surgery

Liposuction UK is one of the most popular plastic surgeries done there. There are many plastic surgery clinics, so finding the liposuction London or liposuction Belfast centre is more than easy. The best idea is to check the CQC website where there is a list of all clinics offering liposuction – all the certified clinics must be registered there so it is a great first selection of clinics offering fat removal surgery in the UK. Regarding the surgeons, each surgeon must be registered in GMC – General Medical Council, so it is quite easy to check whether the surgeon you consider is certified. It is always good to know how many lipo surgeries the surgeon has performed, what is his success rate and whether the reviews from patients are positive, however GMC registration is a must have.

Liposuction prices UK

The liposuction prices in the UK vary from clinic to clinic. Since it is performed privately, clinics may set their own prices. It is noticed that liposuction cost UK in big cities, e.g. London or Liverpool is higher than in smaller ones. Below, we present the average price ranges showing the cost of liposuction UK where the lowest price concerns minor body parts, e.g. chin while the highest price is for thighs or stomach. Also, the below liposuction UK cost doesn’t count combined liposuctions. So, how much is liposuction in the UK?

Type of liposuction

Price minimum

Price maximum

Traditional liposuction

2500 GBP8000 GBP

Laser liposuction

2750 GBP7000 GBP

Vaser liposuction

2600 GBP11 000 GBP

Smart liposuction

2000 GBP9000 GBP

Tumescent liposuction

2500 GBP11 000 GBP

You need to know that there are clinics offering cheap liposuction UK as well as places where the price is even higher than these presented above. However, knowing the average costs, you will find it easier to find a reasonable price for high-quality liposuction. If you want to know how much does liposuction cost in the UK in a specific clinic, it is best to call or visit it and get a consultation with a plastic surgeon or consult the surgeon online. 

Is liposuction available on NHS?

Liposuction NHS is possible only when it is done for medical reasons. So, if you suffer from lipoedema or lymphoedema, you are very likely to get NHS liposuction. These medical conditions must be of course diagnosed by the doctor, who needs to decide whether liposuction would solve your problems. Then you do not bear any liposuction cost UK NHS. But can you get liposuction on the NHS for other reasons? Unfortunately, liposuction on NHS for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons is impossible. In fact, it is hardly possible that you can get any plastic surgery on NHS purely for cosmetic reasons. So, the vast majority of liposuction patients must do it in a private hospital and pay the full cost.

Liposuction abroad

at the airport

If the prices in the home country are too high, the patient can consider travelling abroad for liposuction surgery

Assuming that you are not qualified for liposuction on the NHS and the cheap liposuction UK price exceeds your budget, you may consider having liposuction abroad. Going to another country for a plastic surgery has become extremely popular – nowadays, the medical tourism market is so professional that it is absolutely easy, stressless, and comfortable to get cheap liposuction abroad. On the Internet, there are multiple websites gathering high-standard clinics from various countries, so e.g. if you look for liposuction in Thailand or any liposuction clinics abroad, you may find them and compare the prices. The good news is that the clinics open for international patients are very careful about maintaining their quality, standard and prestige. There are also many websites where patients share their liposuction abroad reviews – it will give you a real image of such a travel and you will know what to expect. Finally, why are there such cheap liposuction prices abroad? It all boils down to the living costs and used currency. It has nothing in common with a poorer liposuction quality. On the contrary, it is very common that patients find even more experienced and acknowledged surgeons and prestigious clinics abroad offering a really affordable price that they can find in their home country. Regarding Europeans, the most popular directions for liposuction abroad are Poland and Turkey. 

Liposuction Poland

Poland is a top destination for medical tourists from Europe. Liposuction in Poland is the most common plastic surgery performed on foreign patients. Why is plastic surgery in Poland worth considering?

  • There are high-standard clinics following all the EU healthcare regulations – the Polish clinics open for medical tourists offer excellent medical care, guarantee privacy, and use the newest liposuction techniques. Plastic surgery in Poland is always performed in a private clinic monitored by the Polish and EU authorities.
  • The surgeons in Poland are world-class specialists – all plastic surgeons must complete a long training to be certified, they pride themselves with a broad experience and wide expertise; also, there are surgeons specialising mainly in liposuctions.
  • Medical tourists are often offered full all-inclusive packages, so they pay one price which includes the surgery, hotel and transfers. They get complex care throughout the stay in Poland.
  • Poland is a safe country, open to international tourists. English is a prevalent language there, so communication is easy not only in the clinic, but also outside it. There are also multiple international flights, each big city in Poland has the international airport, so getting to Poland is really affordable and easy – it is also very quick, as Poland is located in central Europe.
  • Poland is very attractive as a tourist destination. You may find a clinic located in mountain scenery or by the Baltic sea. Also the cities themselves are popular destinations visited by millions of tourists, e.g. Kraków and Warsaw are known worldwide.
  • Plastic surgery Poland prices are very competitive. The average tummy liposuction price is 1500 GBP (body jet lipo) or 1800 GBP (vaser lipo).
  • Patients can get a dedicated travel insurance for cosmetic surgery. Many patients see Clinic Hunter & AXA Partners insurance as the best one on the market.

Liposuction Turkey

Liposuction Turkey is the second top destination. Turkey is popular not only among Europeans but also among Americans or Asians. The truth is, Turkey offers one of the lowest plastic surgery prices in the world – it has also developed greatly in terms of medical care standards. Check why Turkey is so popular among medical tourists.

  • Turkey

    Turkey is a very popular destination for medical travels

    Patients are always provided with complex service and care. Turkish clinics and facilitators organise the surgery and hospital care, stay in a luxurious hotel and transportation, so such medical travel resembles regular all-inclusive trips.

  • The liposuction cost in Turkey is really affordable – e.g. tummy vaser lipo may cost 1500 GBP and tummy body-jet lipo cost starts from 1200 GBP. 
  • There are high-standard clinics and qualified plastic surgeons. It is more and more easy to find a good quality clinic in Turkey – it is enough to do Internet research. When we see a clinic’s website, surgeons working there and patient’s reviews, we can trust that it is a certified place. We can also check the accreditations and certifications of both clinics and surgeons. 
  • Istanbul, Alanya, Antalya are the most popular destinations both for holidays and medical travel, so combining these two reasons is a perfect solution. 




Get the insurance for treatment abroad:

Liposuction reviews

A good way to figure out if getting liposuction abroad is the right option for the patient is by reading liposuction reviews, there are plenty of them online where former patients share their personal experiences.


Liposuction before and after

Liposuction before and after photos give a real image of what you can expect. The lipo before and after pictures of our patients (including stomach liposuction before and after) can be found below.


A fat removal plastic surgery, called liposuction, is the most popular procedure improving the body look. The surgery itself is safe and brings amazing cosmetic effects in time, but patients need to be well-prepared and educated before undergoing it. We hope this article was informative enough and has addressed your concerns. It doesn’t matter where you decide to do it, in your home country or abroad, you should find such a clinic and surgeon whom you can trust. If you have any other concerns about liposuction or want to consult the plastic surgeon online, contact Clinic Hunter. We will take care of you and help you find the best clinic for liposuction.

fit girl


Cherney, Kristeen. “Knee Liposuction: Procedure, Recovery, Side Effects, Cost.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 1 June 2020,

Dr. Deepu ChundruDr. Deepu Chundru is a highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who believes in the power of plastic surgery to not just look better. “9 Health Benefits of Liposuction Surgery.” Home, 5 Dec. 2020,

“FAQ: Am I A Good Candidate –”,

Gardner, Stephanie S. “CoolSculpting: Risks, Side Effects, and Does It Really Work?” WebMD, WebMD, 16 July 2020,

Gardner, Stephanie S. “Liposuction: How It Works, Types, Safety, Side Effect & Benefits.” WebMD, WebMD, 8 Aug. 2020,

Kennedy, Madeline. “Does Liposuction Work? What Liposuction Can and Can’t Do for Your Body.” Insider, Insider, 21 July 2020,

“Liposuction Cost, Price Guide and Hidden Expenses.”,

“Liposuction Surgery.” ABCS, 30 July 2019,

“Liposuction.” Liposuction (Lipo) and Lipoplasty Surgery Overview,

“Liposuction: Uses, Benefits, and Risks.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International,

“Male Breast Reduction Guide.” ABCS, 24 July 2014,

Millicent Odunze, MD. “Common Misconceptions About Liposuction.” Verywell Health, 11 Jan. 2020,

Mp. “How Painful Is Liposuction?” Awaken Aesthetics, 9 Oct. 2020,

NHS Choices, NHS,,%2C%20hips%2C%20thighs%20and%20tummy.

NHS Choices, NHS,

Scot Martin, MD, et al. “Liposuction Procedure Steps.” American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 

Klaudia Grabowska

Klaudia started to work for Clinic Hunter many years ago, just after graduating from the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland and since that time, this job has become her biggest passion and inspiration.

She has gained necessary expertise and experience by serving patients from all over the world (mainly the UK, Scandinavian countries, and the USA), taking an active part in numerous live and video trainings with clinics in Poland, Hungary and Turkey, participating in international medical tourism conferences and events, and completing internal Clinic Hunter courses. Now, Klaudia is an accomplished patient advisor specialising in such fields as dentistry, plastic and bariatric surgery and hair loss treatment. Her main idea is helping people nad making their lives better, that is why this job brings her so much satisfaction and joy.

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